are they?

A lot of people are homeless in the U.S. In fact, in 2015 they were 558,573 and the 21% (115,738) of them were lived in California. By counts California is followed by New York, Florida and Texas doing almost the 50% of all homeless people in U.S.

The next chart is a representation of the distribution of the homeless people. Each icon represent ~5586 peolpe.

were they?

However the previous chart don’t consider the population size of each state hidding crucial information.

In fact, the previous years the Distric of Columnbia has been the state with the greatest rate of homelessness people by far followed by Hawaii and New York.

they will be?

There is hope.

Every year, the number is reduced approximately by 2.85% and these numbers try to convince us there will be less poeople without home… But is not about numbers, is about us to change this reality making better choices, making a better world to live.