I saw a chart yesterday, a chart without frame, without title or captions just a very hidden chart at bottom of the web page. It will be a nice time to get the most interesting visual features of it.
I was searching for a CDN at jsdelivr.com and I noticed a chart showing download per days:
Why I like this chart? Because is a chart integrated with the web site using all space and soft colors to not call the attention. A very special chart.
Now we’ll try to replicate :). That’s why we’re are here. Let’s download the data:
hc <-hchart(datag, "line", hcaes(date, downloads))hc
Just According to Keikaku
Now, there are some changes we need to do:
Change line to area spline.
Put every axis in the opposite side.
Clean the axis and use a bigger font size.
Remove the lables and reduce number of axis ticks.
A lot of tweaks!
And the most important step in this chart: use all the space, reducing the margins and move the x-axis labels to the inner side. Using the l-screen option in distill package.
color_theme <-"#E76235"# extracted with chrome extensionhchart(datag, "areaspline", hcaes(date, downloads), name ="Downloads") %>%hc_xAxis(title =list(text =NULL),opposite =TRUE,gridLineWidth =1,gridLineColor = color_theme, # vertical linestickColor = color_theme,lineColor ="transparent", # horizontal line,labels =list(style =list(color = color_theme, fontSize ="16px")),tickInterval =8*24*3600*1000# interval of 1 day (in your case = 60) ) %>%hc_yAxis(title =list(text =""),opposite =TRUE,gridLineColor ="transparent",showFirstLabel =FALSE,labels =list(style =list(color = color_theme, fontSize ="16px"),align ="left",x =-100 ) ) %>%hc_plotOptions(series =list(color = color_theme,fillColor =hex_to_rgba(color_theme, 0.20),marker =list(enabled =FALSE) ) ) %>%hc_chart(spacingBottom =0,spacingLeft =-6,spacingRight =-55# just plying to get these numbers ) %>%hc_size(height =300)
author = {Kunst Fuentes, Joshua},
title = {When Charts Are Integrated in the Web Page},
date = {2019-04-08},
url = {https://jkunst.com/blog/posts/2019-04-08-when-charts-are-integrated-in-the-web-page/},
langid = {en}