Highcharts is very flexible so you can modify every element of the chart. There are some exiting themes so you can apply style to charts with few lines of code.
More examples and details in https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-design-and-style/themes.
hc <- highcharts_demo()
thm <- hc_theme(
colors = c("red", "green", "blue"),
chart = list(
backgroundColor = "#15C0DE"
title = list(
style = list(
color = "#333333",
fontFamily = "Erica One"
subtitle = list(
style = list(
color = "#666666",
fontFamily = "Shadows Into Light"
legend = list(
itemStyle = list(
fontFamily = "Tangerine",
color = "black"
itemHoverStyle = list(
color = "gray"
hc_add_theme(hc, thm)